Sunday, 31 July 2011

Penguin Versus People

    I am wondering about the $30,000 we have spent on helping a King Emperor penguin, when we read that homeless people and beggars are going to be expelled from our streets during the Rugby World Cup. Presumably, we do not want visitors to know that in this green paradise such people exist. And what of the Christchurch people trying to survive in homes falling down around them?
    During and after the Second World War, I do not remember any beggars and homeless people on the streets, even though homes had been bombed and destroyed as for example two doors up from us. I do remember my grandparents and people like them, temporarily housing people until they could get a job and housing. One man did not move away and ended staying the rest of his life and being buried from my grandparents' home. I suppose that is a risk you take.
    Wouldn't it be great if during the Rugby World Cup, we took a beggar into our home instead of billeting World Cup spectator. Who would be brave enough?
    I think we have got our priorities wrong when $30,000 is spent helping a penguin, when our people in Christchurch are struggling and we have beggars on our streets.

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