On Tuesday evening I led a three hour seminar on meditation.
There are many types of meditation, both Christian and Eastern. I practice one of each. Cover all bases!
The type of meditation that I practice every day is called Centering Prayer. It is an intention type meditation rather than a concentration form which uses a mantra. It was developed by the Cistercian monks in America, led by Father Thomas Keating. I learnt the method from Cynthia Bourgeault, who learnt from Thomas.
In this kind of prayer the emphasis is on letting go. Thomas very colloquially says it is so easy as all you have to do is sit down and shut up.
Yes, you sit on a comfortable chair that supports your back so you can sit up straight, legs uncrossed and arms resting on knees or your lap and gently close your eyes. You choose a sacred word as symbol of your intention to spend time with the Divine Presence and to leave yourself open to the action of this Divine Presence. You begin by saying this sacred word under your breath. When thoughts have cleared the word will just disappear.
When thoughts or feelings return, you gently let go of them and return to the sacred word. Even if you go to sleep, you just let go of it and return to your sacred word. As you become calmer, you will usually experience more period of union with the Divine Presence in the quiet space.
The sacred word should be just a small one, such as peace, holy, Jesus. It is not used as a mantra, of which you never let go. It is used to bring you back to your original intention to give this time to the Divine Presence and to leave yourself open to his/her action.
This type of letting go meditation will after a time, start to influence your life and you will find yourself being led to let go of past hurts, animosities, impatience and other things.
As the tea ad says,"DO TRY IT!"