Sunday, 14 August 2011

This is what it looks like at my place right now as evening approaches. It is minus one degrees Celsius and still they keep falling. Yes, those unique tiny snow flakes falling in their millions. If we had eyes like microscopes we would be able to see the different, individual design and beauty of each one. It is unbelievable that each tiny little flake should be unique.
It has been snowing steadily since just after two o'clock. Stokes Valley is now becoming all one colour - white! The roofs are white, the roads are white, the paths are white, the parks and school grounds are white.
It is also incredible that we should have snow falling at all. It is unheard of in living memory for snow to fall like this in Wellington and more especially the Hutt Valley.

1 comment:

  1. How magical Eileen! No snow in my wee valley..but it seems a light fall everywhere else. That header painting is wonderful!
