Thursday 18 August 2011


There has been a lot of hype about the English with their black shirts, the Telecom Abstain ad and today Black Tyres. I wonder what would happen if the colour black was trademarked to the All Blacks and no-one could use it or wear it.
Think of funerals with people in other colours. Clergymen would be in maybe red, blue or yellow suits. We could have coloured tyres on cars to match the bodywork or maybe a contrasting colour - yellow car with purple wheels!! No more would we see women in "the little black dress." No more black liquorice straps, no more black jelly beans, no more black tea and no more black pudding. And how about black cats, dogs, horses and cows? Dye them!! There would be no more black appliances, cords, printers, T.V's and printers. No more black cars, scooters and motor bikes. No more black leathers for riding motor bikes nor black boots. No more black hats and helmets. No black umbrellas. No black sexy stockings!!
AND  today on Friday 30 September, we hear that strippers are going to be prosecuted for wearing the All Black uniform.! Well, all I can say is if the All Blacks wear on the field what these strippers were wearing there will be a riot. The girls had very abbreviated tops and very little on the bottom. However, they did sport the Silver fern.

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